Breakthrough Relationship Mini-Coaching Sessions with Amy Phillips-Gary
What is Coaching:
Coaching is not therapy or counseling. It is a relationship led primarily by the client. As your coach, Amy will be honest and straightforward and ask questions and make requests of the client.
Topics that may come up during coaching sessions could include personal (individual and relationship) and professional issues. There is often overlap and Coach Amy will stay open and listen to the goals or matters that the client would like to primarily focus upon.
Whatever is shared, in either verbal or written form, during a mini-coaching session will remain confidential and private– unless Coach Amy has concerns for the client’s safety or that of another person. If the client is in agreement, she will share information that comes up in mini-sessions with mentors, relationship coaches Susie and Otto Collins.
Hours of Service
Appointments are available any time Monday through Friday between 9am and 9pm Eastern Standard Time, including some weekend hours when schedule allows. Every effort will be made to work with the client’s schedule.
Coaching Options and Rates
Coaching sessions can be done by telephone or by email. Client will call Coach Amy during a time mutually agreed upon time. Or, emails will be sent at the convenience of the client and will be responded to within 24 hours by Coach Amy.
One coaching session includes either a 30 minute telephone session OR a set of 3 email exchanges (this does not include the first email exchange with inquiry about or to set up the coaching mini-session). The charge for one coaching session (by telephone or 3 email exchanges) is $40.
This charge is non-refundable.
Payment Method
Breakthrough Relationship Coaching accepts all major credit cards. Clients can purchase a mini-coaching session online here: . Mini-coaching sessions can also be purchased by telephone prior to the scheduled session.
For security and privacy reasons, credit card information is not accepted by e-mail.
Clients may also send a cashiers check by mail before the first appointment.
Credit card charges will appear on financial statements as from Collinspartners.
Rescheduling, Cancellation or Missed Appointment Policy
If a client is unable to keep a scheduled appointment, Coach Amy requires a minimum of 24 hours notice.
For rescheduled appointments (with 24 hours prior notice), no service fee will be charged.
For canceled appointments (with 24 hours prior notice), no service fee will be charged.
Once a coaching agreement has been entered into, there are no refunds unless agreed upon by Coach Amy or another authorized agent of Passion Inc., Breakthrough Relationship Coaching or Collinspartners.
When an appointment is booked, the client agrees to the above rates and terms of service.
To purchase a mini-coaching session, go to this web page:
Please contact Coach Amy Phillips-Gary at for more information.