Turn Up the Heat in Your Love Relationship

Like many people in long-standing committed relationships, you may secretly wish that your love relationship was as loving and close as it used to be. Perhaps you don’t look at each other the same way you used to and there may be separation and between you. A lot of friendship and cooperation may still be there, but the passion has dimmed or died over the years.

Take heart, you can rekindle passion that has died. With some refocusing and looking at your partner in a new way, this is possible and it starts outside of the bedroom.

Here are some suggestions to help you start turning up the heat and putting more life and love back into your relationship…

1. Never go to bed angry. This well-known saying is so true. We’ve interviewed and spoken with many couples who have been married 30, 40, and 50 years and this is the most consistent advice we hear. Take the time to talk it out when something comes up between the two of you.

2. Generously give thanks and sincere compliments. Not only will spoken and sincere gratitude and appreciation uplift you and your partner, it can draw you closer as well. Resist any tendencies to follow up a compliments and thank yous with complaints.

3. Explore each other. You can always learn something new about the one you love, no matter how long you’ve been together. Never assume you know everything there is to know about him or her.

4. Treat each other with kindness. It is unfortunate that too often people say they love one another yet they aren’t kind to each other. Using kind words and consideration for your partner are two ways to be kind. No matter how long you’ve been together, act as if your partner is a VIP.

5. Open your heart to your partner. Despite how busy or tired you might be, take the time to listen and understand your partner. Tell your partner what’s important to you and don’t make assumptions.

These are just 5 examples of practices that bring us closer and help us to make each special together. These help keep our relationship alive, passionate and filled with love.

Remember that love is a choice we can open up to in every moment. You can always place your attention on a different, better feeling place. We hope that you’ll join us in choosing love more of the time.


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